Saturday, June 10, 2006

Knitting in public......

Our venture into the Suburbs
(insert moody music....)

Nat and I got up bright and early (after I got home at 0300 and then had to rock my littlest one back to sleep at 0400 to 0500 I LOVE BEING A MOM!!!! Really I's moments like that - in the wee hours of the morning holding your baby that it all seems RIGHT!) and headed out to Elmhurst.

We hooked up with the Brownline (which was 30 minutes PLUS late) took it downtown and then realized we had less than ten minutes to make it to the train station to take a metra to Elmhurst. We SPRINTED. Literally.... Sprinted about six blocks to the train station. Nat tripped on an uneven part in the sidewalk and when flying - but was so determined to make the train for our trip she hopped back up and started sprinting again. (What a girl)

We BARELY made it onto the train.... I mean BARELY. The train was MOVING when we boarded. HELLO BROWNLINE WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE. There were FIVE (count them... FIVE) brownline trains going north.... where did they end up? CTA black hole?

We sat back and relaxed for about 25 minutes as we headed out to Elmhurst
to meet up with a friend and go to this really cute and awesome knit shop - Have ewe any wool.

We had a blast. For the whole story and pictures taken by Nat and myself go here!

I knitted there and back. Nat caught it on film.... She thought I was taking the "Knitting in public" a lil seriously but I LOVE to knit on the train/El.

I loved that store. And (are you sitting down???????) THEY WERE SUPER DUPER FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL IN THERE!!!!!!!!

I will be taking the Metra back there. They have some cool looking classes as well.

Stitches Midwest is shaping up to be a BLAST! Several friends from my knitting night group are going, three of which will be in the hotel room with me! YOOHOO!!!!

THEN I found out that Becca, my friend that I visited today, is also going to Stitches Midwest. How FUN!!!!!!!!!

Most importantly Nat and I had a blast today..... which makes me feel good since I am leaving to go out of town tomorrow AM for four days. (big sigh)

But what Nat doesn't know........ when I return NAT and I are going to MADONNA!!!!!!!

Here is to World Wide Knit in Public Day!!!!!


Blogger shanwen said...

how's does it feel like to knit in public? I am glad you had a blast yesterday:)

11 June, 2006 08:19  

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