Sunday, July 02, 2006

Knitting World Cup Exclusive....

I believe I was the underdog, the one determined to be eliminated first, from the beginning. I am not whining. I think my desire to finish the World Cup and carry on with my activities of daily living were not meeting in my mind. I started the Clapotis (which I love). I had to frog several times (ten to be exact) till I got it correctly to the increasing rows. I increased and increased (loving the pattern - it is so easy to memorize making it a very relaxing pattern to knit. I even decided to go into overtime and increase two more times making it a little bigger (so that I could wear it at conferences, meetings, classes, etc - where I might get chilled and want to wrap it).

Now - I must mention (much to my dismay) I had alot (ALOT) of travel time in the car this past week and concentrated on this one project because we are down to the wire in the world cup challenge. It is time to pull out everything I have, give it all I got, push myself till I can't be pushed anymore and then push myself farther. It's the World Cup. What would Beckham do? (okay sore subject...... I know).

Look - look at what I have accomplished.....

That's it..... I am so frustrated. This is all I have accomplished. (note - sitting next to the clapotis is our post game celebration drink......) GRANTED - I started down a few because I was not playing on openning day - but hello..... did I mention I had ALOT of travel time this past week?

I am so down in the dumps as I look at this.... of course as I look at this uploaded I realize that I took the picture from the most unflatering back side. The front side - (which I will take pictures of later today) - is alot nicer looking and I am even able to see some of the dropped stitches that I was worrying about in the beginning.

However, it must have been the way I was sitting in the car and knitting or something (perhaps I was giving too much) I have injured my L Elbow. I have knitters elbow. Here I sit afraid I might just have to call the game on an injury.......

I am reaching deep inside and pulling everything I have to the surface and planning on making alot of headway today..... we are down to the wire here folks.....

Now to go warm up on my traveling socks (pictures later).


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