Saturday, August 18, 2007

WWKIP Day - a little late.....

A little while ago it was WWKIP day. I did attend. 9 June to be exact - and I remember this because this is the day we went live with a new computer system at work and I was at work ALOT. However I did manage to slip out to knit in the park. This week in Chicago has been rainy rainy and more rain. The Cube sgot rain delayed more than I would like to say they needed to. Lucky for the Cardinals - they didn't have to face Zambrano's wrath.

So - as I look out my office window - at the dreary msss - I remember this.......

These are my knit buddies. Not all of them..... Not all could get away. However - these are the core girls to my knit nite.... Are they not the bomb. We did WWKIP day up right. Check out our picnifc.....

Of course - the girls played in the park beside us.....

Donna - the lady in blue - helped to coordinate this outting and we love her for it! She own's this LYS and more. If you are ever in Chicago you have to check it out!

And still our girls played - into the wee hours of dusk as our light was fading with our knitting abilities.......

But we still had the food and my good buddy Tonia had some vino (contraband in the park) to pass around as well. What's a knit day out with out the vino.....

Dreaming of clearer days while looking out the window at work........

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