Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Hooking?????

Guess who I got to meet today!!!!!!

Yup - Debbie Stoller!!!

The Happy Hooker, Stitch N Bitch Nation and Stitch N Bitch Handbook!!!

She was so open and gracious about signing books. She answered all sorts of questions from her magazine Bust to personal preferences in knitting and crocheting.....

I was kinda amazed at Debbie Stoller in person. She is very Down-to-Earth and Phunky. She is really quite cool. I loved all her crochet samples she brought.... it seriously enticed me into the world of hooking????? I am not sure how addicted to crocheting I could get - since I am head over heals in love with knitting....

Yup so gracious that she signed all three of my books that I brought....

Of course I had to tell her how Nat and I learned to knit using her Stitch N Bitch books and have our own Stitch Nitch nights!!!!! (Proud Mama!!!)

Yup - that's me - looking oh so bloated and icky - with the incredible Debbie Stoller!!!!! She was so sweet!!!!! Just think - I have only been knitting for about a month and I have signed up for Stitches Mid-West, met Perri Kass (Author of several knitting and non-knitting books a Peditrician who actively knits) and met Debbie Stoller...... What next? Oh yea - the socks - completing my first pair of socks will boil me over I am sure!!!! (LOL)


Blogger AmyArtisan said...

Hi - I'm the gal that snapped these pictures for you at Arcadia on that Sunday afternoon. I'm so jealous that you were able to experience the Yarn Harlot this week! (I love that yarn store but am working in Chattanooga during the week so couldn't make it.)

Your blog is great! How fun that you are knitting with your girls! :)

25 July, 2006 20:41  

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