Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Look what I saw!!!

So totally unknitting related - BUT.....

I was serenaded today. It was SUCH a BEAUTIFUL day out - I had the windows open, kicked back on the sofa knitting (ah ha - there is the knitting relation) when I heard this wonderful blues guitar music coming from the street. So - as it continued (thinking it was the neighbors) I went outside to take a gander. At the end of my street there was a small congestion of traffic. I sauntered on down to check it out and found this......

Conan O'Brien at the Blues House on Halsted playing the guitar!!!! Rather well I might add!!!!!!

I just LOVE this city!!!! LOVE IT!!!! Where else would one see this (other than New York and the Rats in New York are bigger - so I would rather stay here!!!)

While I am not a GREAT Conan O Brien fan I do find him funny the few times I watch him (I am usually at work when he is on!) He plays rather well and this was a GREAT treat on this fine sunny Spring afternoon!!!!!

Okay - back to some serious knitting before I have to go on into work!!!!


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