Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Frogged Socks!!!!

WARNING!!!! This post is both sad and funny......

Enter at your own risk!!!!! Those of you that knit will understand!

So as you know I have attempted to knit socks. Stupid me - what was I thinking right? Well - no actually they are quite therapuetic (did I spell that right) to the ADHD in me.....

This is how far I have actually gotten!!! the corners were tight, the colors were starting to develop in the sock... all was well. I was even balancing the DPN in my sleep.... (okay not my sleep but while double tasking....)

Here are my socks now..... (or shall I say SOCK). Yup I had to frog it..... I dropped a stitch... attempted to pick it back up and the whole row unraveled.... then another... then another - till I impatiently ripped the whole thing out.....

NEVER FEAR - the sock will return..... I have started a new on (with the same yarn) on smaller DPN's..... It actually looks neater.... so the dropped stitch - was a Godsend actually!!!!!!

Tomorrow - my finally felted bags. I felted them in the wash.... NERVOUSLY before leaving or work. They are currently at home drying......

Nervous at work till I can see them!!!!


Blogger shanwen said...

Poor you... try to knit socks with 5 dpn instead of 4. It should help.

03 May, 2006 22:28  

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