Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hold onto your hats Natalie!!!!!

This just in...... (Joyce Meyer's on my Ipod!!!!!)

Podcasts of the daily TV and radio broadcasts are here!

Let's start from the beginning. First, when it all began, you could access Joyce's life-changing teachings in two ways—her national conferences and her audio series that captured these live events.

The next step? The world. Airing first on a few...then several...and eventually hundreds of stations around the globe, Joyce's Enjoying Everyday Life broadcasts have made her teachings accessible to nearly four billion people and counting.

Then, technology advanced...and so did we. Along came audio and video streaming on the web, making it possible for people to access our radio and TV programs online.

And now, the present—PODCAST. We are now podcasting Joyce's TV and radio broadcasts.

And, yes, that includes today—what's being aired right now! And, it's all FREE. So, no matter where you are or what you are doing, you can access the very best and latest of Joyce Meyer's broadcasts to help you conquer the enemy, climb a little higher, and enjoy your everyday life.

And no Natalie - this does not mean you can get your own Ipod......


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