Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Socks of Summer

I haven't forgotten about the Socks of Summer (or Summer of Socks). I proudly carry my Jay Walkers with me everywhere. As a matter of fact I knitted on the El down to Grant Park yesterday for the Taste. Now - you know I have an addicted issue when I pull my sock out (after plopping down in the seat next to my girls) and note I have only FOUR DPN. Where is my fifth Needle. The Hubby quickly reminds me I gave it to him so he could make me some Stitch Markers (both for me and for gifts - in particular one to my KSKS). So - I pulled out a stith marker and placed it on the needle and went down to three dpn's to knit while out and about commuting.

Then we get to the TASTE - and there I plop in the park (after gorging on "tastes") to listen to some music and pulled out the sock. It was so relaxing..... after this stressful week!!!!

The girls were getting a kick out of sitting next to their knitting mama!!!!

Note that is their THIRD "taste" of some ice cream, gelato, Italian Ice, or frozen thingy.........

Here I knit standing in line (why I don't know) at the Wet One booth so that I could get some free hand outs. As a mom you can never have too many wet ones - especially the trial size (perfect for the purse, knitting bag, etc) antimicrobial wipes. One lady came by and actually struck up a conversation about my socks. She had wished she had brought hers but her husband wouldn't leave the house with her if she had..... booo on him!!!

Coming later - more Summer of Socks (or socks of summer) pictures.... My socks are going every where with me..... Maybe I should make a video of their travels - to that Johnny Cash (or is it Joaquin Pheonix) song..."I've been everywhere...man, I've been everywhere.... Man.... "
Just one point to these pictures... when we started out it was overcast and cool... at some point the forecast of rain, thundershowers, rain, clouds and overcast were debunked! The sun came out - and I burned like a filet on the open fire. I was a lil lobster last night (and still am). Can you say SUN Poisioning..... I should know better........

Praise God for a beautiful day and a relaxing day in the park!!!! So needed by our family!!!!


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