Friday, May 05, 2006

Look what came in the mail today!!!!!

Look what came in the mail today!!!!!!

I am so excited - Fiber swatches from Web Yarn Store! This is the BOMB! (boy am I dating myself.)

The day started out crappy. I woke up with severe abdominal pain, sick to my stomach and ick. I had to cancel my knitting class this AM. (That is so not like me). I then had to drag my sorry buttee into work because I just can't bring myself to calling in. I get sick just thinking of the prospect of calling in. (LOL) So after twleve hours of work the first 6 feeling like ICK and the last 6 so hopped up on caffeine and increased abdominal pain - I return home to yarn swatches AND.... this.....

I so can not wait to read through this! I briefly looked through this and was in awe!!!!! My knitting addiction has further ben fed and enabled!!!!! Behind this rather southern looking cover is a beautiful book full of intriguing knitting designs!!!!! I am in heaven!!!!

Okay - I have to go pack so that I can go to The Scrapbook Expo tomorrow with my fam!


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